Showing 276 - 300 of 10,982 Results
Historic houses and their gardens; palaces, castles, country places and gardens of the old a... by Osborne, Charles Francis ISBN: 9781176329614 List Price: $27.75
Life of Francis Parkman by Farnham, Charles Haight ISBN: 9781176422759 List Price: $35.75
Studies Military and Diplomatic, 1775-1865 by Adams, Charles Francis ISBN: 9781176436336 List Price: $36.75
Narrative of the North Polar Expedition U S Ship Polaris, Captain Charles Francis Hall Comma... by Davis, Charles Henry ISBN: 9781176456464 List Price: $57.75
Major General Charles Devens, Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts : An address del... by Walker, Francis Amasa ISBN: 9781176457683 List Price: $14.75
Civil-War Lack-of-System, a Four-Thousand-Million Record of Legislative Incompetence Tending... by Adams, Charles Francis ISBN: 9781176456068 List Price: $17.75
History of a Suit in Equity from Its Commencement to Its Final Termination by Barton, Charles, Ingersoll,... ISBN: 9781176519411 List Price: $27.75
Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain : Chiefly of England, from the first planting of Chr... by Collier, Jeremy, Barham, Fr... ISBN: 9781176535145 List Price: $37.75
Struggle for Neutrality in Americ : An address delivered before the New York Historical Soci... by Adams, Charles Francis ISBN: 9781176486911 List Price: $17.75
Power of Movement in Plants by Darwin, Charles, Darwin, Fr... ISBN: 9781176505926 List Price: $45.75
History of the Civil Wars of France in Which Are Related, the Transactions That Happened Dur... by Davila, Arrigo Caterino ISBN: 9781171463153 List Price: $47.75
History of the Civil Wars of France in Which Are Related, the Transactions That Happened Dur... by Davila, Arrigo Caterino ISBN: 9781171463092 List Price: $46.75
Library of Peace and War by Nation, London, Hirst, Fran... ISBN: 9781171492269 List Price: $17.75
Richard Henry Dana, a Biography by Adams, Charles Francis ISBN: 9781171509943 List Price: $33.75
Pulverised Coal Systems in Americ by Harvey, Leonard Charles, Co... ISBN: 9781171565994 List Price: $21.75
Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including an Autobiographical Chapter by Darwin, Charles, Darwin, Fr... ISBN: 9781171580720 List Price: $43.75
Fate Oftubercle Bacilli Outside the Animal Body by Briscoe, Charles Francis ISBN: 9781171577089 List Price: $19.75
Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including an Autobiographical Chapter by Darwin, Charles, Darwin, Fr... ISBN: 9781171576129 List Price: $44.75
Memories of Great Printer; Biographical Sketches of the Career of Charles Francis, Who Pract... by Cochrane, Charles Henry ISBN: 9781171581307 List Price: $33.75
[Census Reports] Tenth Census June 1 1880 by United States. Census Offic... ISBN: 9781171624745 List Price: $21.75
Jefferson's Germantown Letters, Together with Other Papers Relating to His Stay in Germantow... by Jefferson, Thomas, Jenkins,... ISBN: 9781171622949 List Price: $26.75
[Census Reports] Tenth Census June 1 1880 by United States. Census Offic... ISBN: 9781171642138 List Price: $59.75
[Census Reports] Tenth Census June 1 1880 by United States. Census Offic... ISBN: 9781171638612 List Price: $50.75
[Census Reports] Tenth Census June 1 1880 by United States. Census Offic... ISBN: 9781171638698 List Price: $56.75
Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain; Chiefly of England, from the First Planting of Chri... by Collier, Jeremy, Barham, Fr... ISBN: 9781171645757 List Price: $46.75
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